High quality maternity care

Maternity care is made as accessible as possible with BabyManager. To enhance the effectiveness of maternity care, insights into the usage of the app are crucial. Extensive data analyses have been conducted for this purpose, and a robust data warehouse has been established. This has led to improved support for parents during this special period.
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Maternity care app

BabyManager is the app that offers support to (future) parents. With the app you are in contact with maternity care professionals 24/7 and have all the necessary knowledge at your fingertips. Moreover, the app is reimbursed by all health insurers in the Netherlands, making high-quality care accessible to everyone.
BabyManager app
Power BI & BigQuery

Data insights for improved healthcare

By utilizing data insights, the overall operational effectiveness of maternity care can be significantly enhanced. Consider having insights into peak moments, enabling more efficient staff scheduling. BabyManager has gained these insights through detailed data analyses and reporting via Power BI. Additionally, we have established a robust data warehouse in BigQuery, seamlessly integrating data from two different sources: Google Analytics and MongoDB. While Google Analytics is employed to capture user statistics, MongoDB contains data transformed and forwarded to the data warehouse through a data pipeline. This structured approach enables efficient use of SQL queries, streamlining and optimizing the entire process.
BabyManager Data Digital app web en mobile

We'll help you realize your digital dreams

At our data science consultancy, we specialize in data analysis, prediction, and prescription. Our team leverages cutting-edge analytics to extract meaningful insights, anticipate upcoming trends, and give actionable recommendations. We empower organizations with customized data-driven solutions, fostering well-informed decision-making and prosperity in the face of a dynamic business environment.
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