portfolio datadigital Bühler

Reduced downtime through IoT Device Monitoring

Bühler is well known for their extensive contributions to the food processing and manufacturing market. Thanks to our IoT device monitoring solution, Bühler now has better insights about their machine's performance and have started reducing downtime.
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Bühler's case

Making sure manufacturing goes smoothly can be a difficult task, especially when it comes to a big operation like Bühler's. Therefore, they were looking for someone who could assist them in making this easier. We've provided them with a solution that is helping them reduce downtime and enhances operational efficiency.

IoT device monitoring

IoT device monitoring can significantly enhance manufacturing processes by providing real-time insights and enabling proactive management of manufacturing operations. In Bühler's case, we provided a solution which allows us to monitor the performance of machinery in real-time. This provides insight about when a piece of equipment is likely to fail, taking this into consideration Bühler can conduct pre-emptive maintenance.
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Our data science consultancy offers expert services in data analysis, prediction, and prescription. Our skilled team utilizes advanced analytics to extract valuable insights, predicts future trends, and provides actionable recommendations to optimize outcomes. We empower businesses with tailored data-driven solutions, ensuring informed decision-making and success in a rapidly evolving landscape.
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